TSO-F Day 6: Midway Opens, Roller Coaster Completed
Tinkerers came together in a final push to complete various midway rides and one roller coaster Friday. Multiple tests were performed to ensure the function, load capacity and safety of each ride. Final decorations were also applied to various rides.
The junior zip line team built a platform to load passengers into their Pink Flamingo cart. The junior merry-go-round team added two more swings for a total of three riders. The junior roller coaster-slide team finished one track, and having so much fun with that ride, decided to skip the additional track and slide options.
Junior Tinkerer, Finn, prepares for a test ride on the Pink Flamingo zipline attraction.
The senior roller coaster team continued testing the loop track and cart. After a few rides in their cart, one wheel block splintered and broke off requiring the reintroduction of the previous week’s cart which was still intact. The Tinkerers added a motorized pulley system to drag the cart out of the bank turn and back up to the start line, and they also decreased the angle of the bank turn to allow for better mobility.
Collaborator, Viggo, and senior Tinkerers, Alex and Reis, work to remove a roller coaster cart with a broken wheel block.
Lastly, the Strongman Challenge was repaired with a sturdier bolt which had been bent and broken by too many Strongman challengers as well as modified to add 5 feet of strength gauge. Final blob fish decorations were added to the game as well.
Senior collaborator, Manny, tests his strength at the Strongman Challenge attraction.
Check out the photo slideshow and video of Tinkerers during their fourth and final build day followed by a camp fire to close out the session.