TSO-C Day 5: Return To Base, Keep Building
With a 400 mph Mars wind storm scheduled for Friday and foggy skies rolling over the Tinkerers’ build sites, crews worked through the day to secure adequate shelter, rover transportation, and gondola people movers.
The junior shelter team works together to secure a safe haven during the forecast 400 mph Mars storm.
The junior shelter team secured more support beams, partially enclosed their shelter with tarps, and installed a hatch door.
“This feels so good,” Zander said as he finalized a pulley system to open the newly installed hatch door. “It’s so simple, but I feel so accomplished.”
Zander tests his newly installed door.
His crew mates, Kate, Riley and Emily, also admired their contributions as they worked with collaborator, Julie, on securing tarp walls to the shelter structure.
“It looks so good. Doesn’t it look good, Kate?” Riley exclaimed.
“It’s the Warriors colors,” Kate responded as she stapled more edges around the blue and gold covered perimeter.
So the day went with much success for other teams. The junior rover team installed wheels on their vehicle and began constructing the steering column. The junior gondola team secured the rope that would guide them to and from shelter, ran a few test runs, secured seating for safety, and began decorating with paint and windowed curtains.
Wesley and Evan work together to motorize their team’s gondola.
The senior teams also made great strides. The shelter team added more support beams ensuring the safety of future dwellers. The gondola team devised a plan to motorize their vehicle, and the rover team continued working on their wheels and steering mechanisms.
Having accomplished so much, some Tinkerers gave themselves a short break to visit their neighboring farm animals. Surely, the Tinkerers will be ready for the impending storm.
Check out our photo slideshow and video of our Tinkerers’ progress.