TSO-A Day 2: Brainstorm, Build Something Big!

Bridging the gap between ideas and tangible results requires more than just a few squeezy clamps. With the main mini golf course project fresh on the minds of well rested Tinkerers, juniors and seniors gathered at the build site with collaborators to exchange ideas and sketch their project possibilities into defined parts.

Breaking into smaller groups, each team devises a plan for feeding a golf ball up and down, through and out of a windmill, a ski ball machine, a catapult, a water wheel, a boat hole, Mt. Cheese and other obstacles. From rough sketches and a little help from collaborators, Tinkerers are ready to get their projects started.

Check out our video interviews of some of our Tinkerers who describe what their teams have started building, what they learned from working on their projects, what they struggled with and what they had the most fun doing!