Session E - Day 13 - Fin
So we made it. It's day 13. Our last day together, and it's quite bittersweet; we have all become a pretty tightly knit group. It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know all of these kids-turned-tinkerers, and we hope to see them again. Seriously. This two week session would have much more frustrating if it wasn't for this group of incredibly creative, intelligent, intuitive, and individualistic kids. We really do mean that.
Okay, we'll dry our tears now. Aside from really spending quality time with the kids today, we can't say that it was a relaxing day. We were hard at work from morning until evening, and we did not stop cranking out kinks until all the tinkerers felt everything was up to snuff. It was awesome.
Starting this morning at 10am, Braden and Savan tackled the complex problem of correctly engineering the wheel bearings so that the driveshaft had enough space to run freely, and not rub on anything.
In the mean time, Isabella sorted five bins of washers to find the correct size. Unfortunately, she was not informed that we had run out yesterday...she was sad :(
Over at the hydropower team, Frannie and Eisen started building a sturdy table for the water hammer to smash down on, so that they could crush wax, almonds, and other rocks. (Also check out how rad Eisen looks)
At the windmill team, preparations had started so that they could lift up the blades and attach them to the windmill! Unfortunately this included making a sad sacrifice. Bob, the weird eyed, creepy smile'd, orange on a toothpick looking man had to be offed.
Yoel pictured doing the deed.
And right before all of the building action really starts, Micha and Laila remind us that it is always okay to take a rock smashing break.
Around 11am, every team kicked into high gear and really started working like crazy. For the cart team, this meant testing the new shaft retainment system, in preparation for the power source.
For the waterwheel team, this meant filtering the nasty, waxy, sappy, and dirty water, rewaxing the water bucket, and wiring up the waterwheel in hopes of powering the LED light.
But of course, these tasks will not be completed without a quick and serious meeting with Kaitlyn about triple serious, serious business.
Around lunch the cart team was facing a problem that they had been coming across every time they had tested their propulsion system. Every time that they installed their bearing on the seat, the shafts would be way too far apart. That meant that the bearing casings would rub against the shafts, and the propulsion system would not run smoothy at all.
Pictured: Morgan pondering existence.
But then right around 12:15, something amazing happened...
...yes!! They finally got their blades up. But there was just one problem...
Pictured: Jack and Liora realizing the existential problem.
...there was no wind today.
But! Caroline and Liora carried on bracing the new awesome looking windmill, and did an interpretive dance to see if they could somehow harness the wind (that's not true).
After the beautiful new windmill had been raised, we reached a point in the day where almost all of the project had come to some form of completion. So, some tinkerers started up some good and challenging side projects including, building precise furniture, building a gravity powered go kart with suspension, and cracking open odd looking rocks to see if they contained any minerals for analization.
Pictured: Ben drilling holes for the top hat of his coilover suspension.
Max (who really really loves all things cars), admires Ben's suspension design. And is very very happy with it (I mean look at his face).
Anyway, back to the projects. Look at those windmill blades. I mean wow.
And then Caroline made a sign. Thus, "The Wind Shack" was born.
Back at the cart, they struggle really became real. Like for real. The bearings now fit perfectly, but the retainers, were still rubbing. It was time for a team decision of whether they run the risk of the seat falling out of place, or they try to redesign the retaining system.
Meanwhile at the hydropower team, some extremely top secret serious classified testing was going down.
And on the side, Ben and Max had successfully created a cart with rear suspension. So awesome.
Features rear coil springs that do in fact absorb shock.
Liora had also made something beautiful out of wood shavings.
And Jack made a friend.
Finally, to end such a day, the air gave us a very very special treat.
Pictured: Caroline realizes why she poured her heart and soul into the project.
And that treat was wind. Enough wind to make our windmill spin.
And after we came down from the shop, after a very yummy pizza dinner, we all gathered around a fire for our last night as a group. It was warming, sad, funny, beautiful, and very Tinkering School. We even lit a water jug on fire. I'm going to sign off now, but please enjoy the photos from our last night together. And goodbye for now.
Long story short, we will miss your kids. They are awesome. Thank you for sending them. Goodbye for now!