Session A: Day 3 - Cloudy with a Chance of Tinkering
(cowritten by Ana) We got off a slow start this morning because of the unexpected mist clouds falling around camp. While we waited for stuff to dry up on the hill, some us drew, while others tinkered with catalyst kits or cardboard.
Daniel took a group on an excursion to the creek down below, where they fished for crawdads and went for a dip.
Nana the banana slug takes a liking to Grant's head.
After a slow morning and lunch on the hill, we split up in our groups and get to building.
Piki's giraffe has grown a tail, and is now much more stable due to some additional stakes into the ground with some paracord tying it down.
It now looks like a real giraffe, held in place so it doesn't run away.
Kablooi has finished their boat and head of their dragon. Tomorrow, they will make headway on their wings and potentially a tail.
Silas and Andrew measure out some spacers for the plywood to rest on.
Silas resting on the plywood resting on the spacers. Henry finds shelter.
Panda has made a prototype of a zipline for their fire breathing chicken, which now has a lattice bench and a head.
Anna and Alysia screw on the face of the fire breathing chicken.
This beautiful chicken has a frightening mug complete with angry eyebrows and a deadly hinge beak. The tail feathers are symmetrical, strong and ALSO doubles as a backrest.
Unsure of what to do after completing the bench of the alpaca, Nooi holds a design meeting after lunch to figure out what to do. Wheels? Sure. Make the head? Definitely. Can we make a sled for the alpaca to pull? Do it.
"Can you give me a partner push?" "Yes."
Justin, Benjamin, and Aaliyah worked to put leg extensions on all the alpaca feet so that there would be space for the wheel bolts to go all the way through. Even with everyone working, only two wheels got put on! Justin and Sayuri worked on the 1/2 inch drill so hard, it overheated.
After rearranging teammates two or three times and introducing a spacer for the head to connect to, Nooi's alpaca is coming alive.
...I'm watching over you :P ...
Tomorrow we go to the beach to reset and have some fun. We're feeling good about the progress we've made. On Thursday, we'll be refreshed and ready to really tinker with our projects to see if we can push the limits a little bit.