Session F: Day 2 - Benches

Day two is about benches. Four teams are made through an arbitrary system based on the alphabet and gender. A design meeting is held with each team, and by day’s end we are to have benches we can sit on and have meeting in. However, at Tinkering School this has been the first day project all summer, so the challenge is always to out-do the last session. This week features a rocking bench, a collection of seats at different heights evoking a podium, some benches with a nice lean-back-backs and shade.

As day two goes on friendships form fast. Clearer images of personalities emerged. A crew of goofy and kind-hearted kids emerged from what was once a stoic and timid bunch. 

Also the benches are super comfy and this crew is dedicated, already working past sunset on the very first night.