Week 6, Day 2 - How many walls?
The maze is off to a focused but daunting start. After spending hours tinkering and making and figuring out how to make a single wall that stands on its own, the notion of making another one seems daunting. The notion of making 20, 40 or even 75 more seems impossible. Mental boundaries are stretching as we ask the kids not to make one thing, not two things, but as many things as possible. The maze is what we are making and the walls are just what we have to make to make the maze, if that makes sense.
Every day starts in before care. The power tools are not out, but other provocative games, supplies, and construction item are.
Then our day begins. Just yesterday, Isadora was afraid to touch a drill. Today she is in line to use the chop saw.
Every day we head to the park to play and run around. Fresh air, sunshine, group games and unstructured time; a formula that never fails.
And then it's back to the walls. There are so many to make and so many ways to make them.