Homes that Move - Day 4 - Week 1 (Mark Day School)
Another full day of building complete! It got hot in the afternoon, so that created lots of opportunities for us all to try a bit harder than usual. Even with the growing temptation to rest and conserve our energy, we managed to make real progress. We’ll have a lot to show you by tomorrow afternoon!
In our closing circle this afternoon tinkerers shared some of the things they’ve been learning. It turns out we’ve learned a lot as a group. We’ve learned that it is REALLY hard to make a giant platform “walk” even without the house on it. We’ve learned to use circular saws, jigsaws, bandsaws and a sawzall. We’ve figured out how to make sturdy walls and reinforce them with plywood panels, and we’ve learned we can do things we never thought we could.
collaborating on some plywood paneling that didn’t want to cooperate!
Tomorrow we’ll work all morning, making it as far as we can on our projects, then we’ll spend a little time getting ready to host friends and family as we show off our creations. Please join us at 2pm, and prepare to be amazed!