Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs - Day 2 - SF Day Camp
The winds of yum are picking up! Flying food is on the horizon! How many super cheesy puns can I try to come up with... yes that was also pun intended :-P
Our food minded tinkerers made tons of progress today on their projects. With tool training behind us, they had the whole day to build and they made the most of it!
Our catapult team completed several mini prototypes to discover what the most effective food launching system might look like.
In the next days build sessions, the catapult team will settle on one or two designs and then jumbo size them to be able to launch our huge food great distances.
Our food team? Well they got started baking right away. I'm not kidding when I say that their food creations were making me hungry...
The cloud crew got to check off several tasks as they finished the first side of their giant cloud.
To cut out the cloud shapes, we learned how to use a new tool, the jig saw! With its small blade, no curve or drawing is too complicated to cut.
And our mouth team built some braces for the jaw. Always want to make sure everything is in alignment!
We witnessed so much exciting tinkering and collaboration today! Can't wait to see what new foods and building challenges are on tomorrow's menu. Check out our Flickr page for more photos from the day and the rest of the week!