The Dragon is Coming! - Day 3 - Week 1 - Mark Day School
Fire and jaws and tail, oh my! The dragon is taking shape and even starting to move. The castle walls are rising to the sky and plans are being drawn for lowering the drawbridge. When you know how to use many different tools, you can spend a morning attaching tail segments and an afternoon framing a castle tower.
The jigsaw continues to be a popular tool for making tower walls and dragon wings, among other things.
The castle walls are in place and we’re starting to take the clamps off in order to secure the wood with screws.
We also had some impromptu castle dancing.
And it wouldn’t be The Summer of Mechanisms without pulleys and levers! Charles and David led workshops to demonstrate and discuss how to manipulate these materials to leverage our strength.
At lunch time, we listened to stories about tinkering.
It's a good sign when kids start taking on leadership roles and self-organizing their builds.
The head and jaws are coming to life.
Attaching the tail took teamwork and patience.
Click through for a few more photos from the day...