Mission to Mars! - Day 5 - Mark Day School
Friday! How'd that sneak up on us so fast?! Our adventurous astronaut tinkerers jumped into high gear to ready the ship and add more details on our martian colony.
Abbey sawing away. The kids got a LOT of practice this week - we used a ton of wood!
Jaden and Taelon adjusting the monorail wheels.
It quickly became apparent that handrails were needed for spinning cylinder section of our ship.
And Sam put the final touches on his epic martian claw machine he had been working on all week.
Don't forget the wings!! Kendra and Carley attached perhaps the most important part of the ship.
And voila! Our ship was ship shape and ready to ship off to Mars to deliver a shipment of shipworthy astronauts. (that was fun! wasn't sure how many "ships" I could get in there :)
3...2...1... blastoff!
It was an incredible mission and our fearless tinkerers proved to be more than up for the challenge! All along the journey, they demonstrated their fortitude working hard on tasks that were more challenging than usual. They faced their fears and made awesome mistakes and learned lots from them. They ended up building a GIANT spaceship and Martian colony that was way bigger than a whole bunch of them combined. And lastly they made many friendships and learned to build and collaborate with each other in pursuit of a common goal - which was the mission all along ;)
See ya'll next time...on Mars!
To see all the photos from this week's mission, visit our Flickr page!