Thursday: A Wooden Wash Station for a Wheeled Animal
This is probably one of the circumstantially weirdest projects I've ever witnessed at Tinkering School. This week, we decided to build an animal-vehicle and a wash station for that vehicle. When we couldn't decide on a specific animal to theme the vehicle, we decided to combine all the choices. The animal vehicle is an elephant-robot-panda-fish-narwhal that also has some monkey parts. The wash station uses no water.
And here's what it all looks like so far!
The wash station team decided to use paracord and PVC to simulate running water. We quality tested the mechanism to make sure it felt like water on your face as you walked through. Quality Test Passed!
These pool-noodle/PVC/plywood contraptions are actually scrubber brushes.
Lots of folks took time to make robot panels for the vehicle. Buttons and gauges and dials and weird electronic panels were all decorated all day by everyone who needed an art-break.
Lastly, the vehicle is certainly not an vehicle without some seating. We spent a lot of the afternoon making some stable and comfortable seating and attaching it to the vehicle floor.
Quality assurance pass!