Shadow Puppets! Session 2 - Day 2-3
Mid week days are the best days because we get all day to work on our projects (and our Tinkering School Goals). Whether during project session design meetings, using the tools or at lunch and park. This is when we get to see kiddos trying really, really hard and making mistakes in a new environment that we tailor to be safe and trusting.
Morning circles are an important part of the day. Here we get an opportunity to check-in with each other, reflect on our projects and prepare ourselves for a new day full of challenges. Sometimes we make time to reiterate our goals and share examples with each other of what we found hard and what we found that worked!
Then we design!
And get to building! Trying out our designs and putting all those ideas into constructed objects.
We often encounter mistakes. Sometimes they remind us to slow down, often they require us to try again in a new and informed way. Occasionally they send us back to the drawing board.
We break our new materials. Our tools test their strengths and our imaginations stretch their capabilities.
We ask for help and develop teamwork.
We ask that kiddoes try harder then usual to focus and stick with something.
We take a midday break to eat lunch, move our bodies around and play. Hard work like this group is putting in demands it!
After break we come back to the space and third project group takes form. Shadow Lab is a huge hit and interest for some of the tinkers who are burnt out on building and eager for a new challenge!
We take a moment to celebrate in project landmarks and successes!
At the end of day 2 and 3 we take time to test our puppets. Share what we observe and determine next steps for the following day.