Week 5, Day 4: Swamp Lyfe!
So, let's all get together, set some goals for ourselves, make some agreements for how to help everyone work on those goals, then work on building some big wacky projects together in order to give ourselves practice working on our goals. Makes sense, right?
Zoe, Lucy, Laili and Devon work together on a chair for one of the buildings in Stiltsville.
Thursdays are always a great day at the Tinkering School. Thursdays are where the rubber meets the road: we know what our goals are, and we know that we are working on those goals by working together to build some pretty sweet stuff. Plus on Thursday, tomorrow is Friday, which means we start to glimpse the finish line and feel some urgency.
Jake, Micah, Toby, Alex, Atish, Laili and Mason help move the finished bridge into position so it can be attached to connect two of the buildings in Stiltsville.
Some advice you often hear on Thursdays is, "slow is steady, steady is fast." As we see our projects come together and get more and more excited, we will continue to work slowly and steadily, in order to efficiently get things done. As I'm sure you can imagine, this is really hard when you're building a giant alligator, a swamp swing thing-a-ma-jig, and an entire village on stilts. It's just so exciting!
Maya and Alexandra carefully locate a hole before drilling. Then, they'll mount eye hooks for the porch swing to hang from!
We'll continue to meet in our small groups, checking in and making a plan for each working session. This helps us stay organized and focused as we branch off into smaller groups of 3-4 and pairs of tinkerers working together to make components of their project.
Cruv updates the gator team's plan, While Leila, Marina and Augie contribute suggestions to a group planning meeting.
But you know what's most exciting about Thursdays? Seeing projects come together, and knowing that we still have another day to work together!
Eli, Toby, Zoe, Siri, Benjamin, Maddie, Sydney, Maya, Calder, Abe and Alex look on and offer suggestions for improvements to the swamp swing thing-a-ma-jig during the first full-fledged test of the mobile!