Winter Break Camp Day 2

You always need to make a PLAN!

On Tuesdays, we start our day with a design meeting in our building groups. We brainstorm ideas, develops plans, and make cut lists for the chop saw room. This is an important part of our morning ritual, as it gets all tinkerers on the same page and ready to collaborate for the rest of the day. 

Sometimes, we need to prototype and act things out before we know what our design will end up looking like. Today, the sled team experimented with a few different bench configurations before agreeing on a design that would accommodate three tinkerers per seat.

After agreeing on the dimensions, we hit the chop saw room to make our cuts. Sometimes it's useful to write the length of our wood on each piece so that it doesn't get confusing later on...

At Tinkering School, we always practice helping each other out to get a job done. Often, we need a person to keep the project still so that it doesn't slide across the floor as we drill and drive into the wood!

With our benches finished by the end of the day, our next step was to figure out a layout that would work on our sled. We tried out a few different configurations before deciding that we all wanted to be facing forward.

Meanwhile over at Team Terrain, tinkerers  were working hard to figure out how they could get their starting line to stand up straight. After some brainstorming together and careful design deliberation, the tinkers set off with a plan! 

A few triangles, braces, and stabilizers later...and the starting line stands up on its own!

In tree land, it was time for our sturdy trunk to grow some branches. There was also agreement that more trees were needed! One tinkerer remarked at the end of the day that the second tree was faster and easier to build because they had already worked out the dimensions and design the first time around. See...sometimes it's really useful to have a plan!

We're having a blast here and have tons more to share. Stay tuned for later installments of Winter Break Camp 2016!
