Trains! - Final Showcase - Boys & Girls Clubs (Willie Mays Clubhouse)
This week concluded our 8 week long session at Willie Mays Boys and Girls Club. It was an exciting journey from start to finish, and we ended it on a high note with a thrilling train ride that our tinkerers built themselves!
At the final session we broke up into three groups to finish our main project elements: The tunnel, the train car, and the track (complete with ramp!) We had a lot of parts that had to fit together in order to work well and keep the train moving along.
MaKai and Anthony make adjustments to the base of the train car.
This project was a great example of making multiple iterations and testing, then re-testing. During the last two sessions the tracks had to be modified and cut down, the axles had to be replaced and re-adjusted, AND we had to move/adjust the wheels multiple times… but we did it and it worked!
Dallas works on the tunnel.
The train car is ready to go down the tracks!!!
Dallas uses the jigsaw to cut pieces for the train car sides.
The train car is coming together! The whole group works on it together while Brendon holds the sides in place.
Everything came together in the end and we had a blast testing it out!
D’Nya is about to test it out!!
Dallas holds on!!!
Ramp time!
The Tinkering School staff had a blast collaborating with everyone at Willie Mays Boys and Girls Club. Thank you for a great winter session!!
To see more fun photos from each day of tinkering, be sure to visit our Flickr page!