Train Bridge - Week 9 - Boys & Girls Club - Mission Clubhouse
As with many other public works projects (ahem...16th St. BART escalator...), the grand opening of our train bridge has been delayed. We will need one more week before final testing can occur. Luckily our hardworking crew accomplished a lot this week, so for our final session we will definitely have time to test out and ride across the Bay Area's new Golden Gate Bridge on the Marin-SF train!
So much going on in the car team! For the cars with floors, the next step was to cut out bumpers and attach the wheels!
Lisette and Julian got some more practice time with the jigsaw cutting out the floor for the taco car.
Tinkering selfie! A "tinkerfie"?
The taco car finally has a floor and the back door even works great too!
Meanwhile, the shark car and rowboat car both got wheel upgrades! Before we attached the wheels though, bumpers needed to be installed. We wouldn't want the the rowboat to run into the taco car and make it into a crunchy taco, and then have the crunchy taco land all over the shark car and make a mess...
Hever puts some muscle into his work! The team found that it was easier to trace the holes for the wheels and then drill pilot holes without the wheel in place.
Arthur carefully aligning a wheel. We want our train running straight!
And how about our bridge team! They made huge progress and attached the ramps leading up to the bridge.
Jasmine and Ailey added an extra support. The ramp was already securely attached, but it was decided that another support would be good too - never too many!
So close to completion!
I'm not alone in saying that I can't wait to test out and ride this train!!! Check back with us next week to see our tinkerers take this train for a ride!