A mini clubhouse! 2nd Post - Boys & Girls Club - Willie Mays Clubhouse
Wind + tinkering = fun! ...and it was a windy couple days at Willie Mays!
We thought DeAnte was going to take off before we could store the roof material for our mini clubhouse :-)
The wind couldn't distract this enthusiastic group from charging ahead on the next stages of the build. There was more plywood to be cut to finish sheathing all our walls.
Reggie explains the finer points of jig saw mastery.
Edward putting his new knowledge to good use.
Laura should be a Dewalt spokesperson! Look at her perfect cutting form!
One of the big accomplishments this week was cutting and installing the shutters on our back wall.
The kids figured out how they wanted to attach the hinges. Theres so many ways they can bend it provided a lot of design options to consider.
Malieke sanding down some rough edges.
And VICTORY! we've got shutters!
If only they had wheels...
The kids even jumped into some detail work crafting custom handles for the shutters and doors.
And finally after weeks of anticipation, we finally got to raise the walls and see what our mini clubhouse will look like standing!
It takes a team effort to raise a mini-clubhouse!
The weather report from the inside was decidely less windy...
Our hardworking crew learned a ton this week. They overcame engineering and design challenges, (not to mention weather difficulties) and had the satisfaction of seeing their mini-clubhouse stand for the first time. Next week we're all super excited to install the floor and roof! Keep checking back to see what these tinkerers accomplish next!