Making Things Complicated
This week we are going to do things the hard way...for fun! Using the drilling, clamping and chop saw skills we learned this morning we are going to create the most complex, twisty, turny, loud, amazing way to cut a tiny stick of wood: An Action-Reaction Machine!
Audrey demonstrates the "twisty" clamp!
Tinkerers got right to work on a "Plinko" ball bearing run, a Giant Domino run, and a gas powered - chemical reaction Balloon Rocket segment!
With one tower, the Plinko base, and tons of dominos finished in one afternoon we are hitting the ground running on this Rube Goldberg machine! We can't wait to see what else these tinkerers think up for it!
To see more captivating pictures of tinkering - in - progress head on over to our flickr page!